Saturday, March 26, 2011

This conclusion is now inescapable: America has become a swarming bin of lunatics, and that would have been fine if Americans were confined to their own borders.  Let them howl, rend, and tangle amongst themselves in their boundless madness.  The unacceptable facet of this situation is that these psychopaths control a global military, mercenary, surveillance, and subversive intelligence network of historically unprecedented vastness, and as a direct result of this limitless capacity for coercion, also believe that every other place and people on the planet is subordinate and must submit to American dominance. 

America has been spending fantastic amounts of resources to develop ever more efficient weaponry at least since the Second World War when it mounted to the throne of God with its development and deployment on Japan of the atom bomb.  The hubris inspired by the bombing (and the word 'bombing' is virtually a euphemism) of hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians went on to intoxicate the nation.  That hubris has driven America to become a military-corporate-financial world Empire ever since, and this fact is effulgent in the words of Harry Truman, August 6th, 1945: "It is an atomic bomb. It is a harnessing of the basic power of the universe. The force from which the sun draws its power has been loosed against those who brought war to the Far East."  Since 1945, America has seen itself as The One Big F@!#ing Hammer, and every other nation and people on the planet has looked to it like, and had damned well better act like, a nail.